Friday, June 7, 2019

Fetal Genetic Disorders Lead to Abortion Essay Example for Free

Fetal Genetic Disorders Lead to Abortion EssayWhen a woman first finds out that they be pregnant many factors of worry are present. One is particular is the worry of a genital defect. As women age their percentile guess of having a small fry with a genital defect changes drastically. Common genetic disorders are trisomy 13, Patau syndrome, trisomy 18, Edwards syndrome, and trisomy 21, Down syndrome. Although these digest be treatable if a baby lives to adult age they will bugger off a long list of medical problems to live with. Genital defects in babies is directly linked to the rate at which miscarriages occur.Although it may be easier to abort a baby with a genital defect it is still as wrong no matter what the circumstances. In order for someone to fully understand what having a baby with a specific genital disorder would be like, they must first understand the effects and symptoms of these disorders. When a baby is formed they have 46 chromosomes, 23 from their mom, an d 23 from their dad. When nondisjunction occurs, no full separation of a chromosome pair is when genital disorders become present. Nondisjunction of two chromosomes 18 during the formation of an egg or spermatozoon is by far the most common cause of Edwards syndrome. (Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders)The interesting thing is that nothing before or during pregnancy causes this and nothing can be done to prevent it. The only headspring supported factor is that as the begins age increases there is a larger chance for complications. Unlike Down syndrome, the developmental issues caused by Trisomy 18 are associated with medical complications that are more potentially life-threatening in the early months and years of life. (Trisomy 18 Foundation) Because of this 50% of babies with Trisomy 18 taken to term will be stillborn. (Trisomy 18 Foundation) Though there have been rare cuttings of people living to adulthood with this disease, they vista life threatening complications tha t will be present until the day they die. Abortion has been present since the early 1800s and is still a major issue today.The most well known case dealing with abortion is that of Roe vs. Wade. In this case Wade was fighting against Roe by saying that if they rule abortion unconstitutional they improperly invade a right said to be ossessed by a pregnant women, to choose to terminate her pregnancy. (Herring 86) The final ruling on this case was that women should have the legal rights to her body and should be able to choose whether or not they will terminate their pregnancy. Several factors determine why a mother would choose an abortion. Single parenthood, not enough income, just doesnt want the baby, and/or medical issues. But one of the more rising issues is the fact that women will abort babies when they cause a bad diagnosis.If their baby is going to be mentally retarded and so why have it, the easier thing would be to just get rid of it. This has been the growing choice amon g mothers these days, especially the younger ones. By age 32 a women is 67% likely to have a baby with a genital defect, and is therefore 45% more likely to have an abortion. (Herring 193) The rising controversy of abortion can be directly linked to the diagnosis of fetal genetics disorders. If a woman receives the diagnosis that her baby will be born with Down syndrome and a series of other health issues then why give birth?If the baby is not going to be perfect then there are several women out there that feel the baby has no worth living. Every fetus becomes present at conception and deserves to live whether or not they have a genital defect. Most defects are treatable today and even the ones that are not if the baby is going to die anyway then why not let it die on its own terms, instead of terminating it. This is the argument that has been present since the early 1800s. In Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court ruled that they did not have the right to secure a woman what to do with he r body.But carrying into action is a capital crime as well. So the real debate should not be that abortion is legal, the real issue should be whether or not abortion is seen as murder. Websters dictionary defines murder as the unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by another and also defines abortion as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. But when is a baby considered a human? When they are conceived, or when they are born? It would be considered murder if someone killed a baby after they were born, so why is it not considered murder if someone kills a baby before they are born.This is the true underlying issue of abortion. If the legal system can realize their gaps in their logic then maybe they can figure out that murder is murder no matter how big or how small a human is. Everyone has different moral philosophy and beliefs on what they think is right or wrong. But know matter what their moral or spiritual background n one can get over a human being life. So whatever the reason for abortion there need only be one reason against abortion. It is killing au naturel(p) and simple. If killing is illegal then so is abortion.

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