Friday, November 1, 2019

Analysis of Domestic Violence Articles Using ANOVA Essay

Analysis of Domestic Violence Articles Using ANOVA - Essay Example The level of measurement of a variable determines what kinds of tools are appropriate in describing the variables. There are five levels of measurements of variables and these include nominal, ordinal, interval, dichotomous and ratio. The last two are often treated as either nominal or interval respectively (Healey, 2011). In this study, the variables were measured using the nominal and the ordinal categories. A number of methods of statistical data analysis are used and these include factor analysis, correlations analyses, ANOVA and multiple regression analyses. A total of four independent variables and fourteen independent variables were measured. (Kyu & Kanai, 2005) The research question for the study was â€Å"Is domestic violence more likely to happen to women who have been fooled into marriage without truly knowing the partner? The research established that 69% and 27% percent of women were reported experiencing psychological aggression and physical assault respectively. The results also showed that women who have been fooled into marriage without their knowledge experience minor physical assault, severe physical assault and minor psychological aggression. The findings, the researchers say can be used in creating programs that can be used to address the problem effectively in the city (Kyu & Kanai, 2005). The second journal article aimed to study how children are involved in adult domestic violence. The study thus aimed to examine a large number of factors in the family and the surrounding that may be able to explain the differences that are witnessed in children in terms of their responses to adult domestic violence. This study used demographic variables as the independent variables were recorded as ordinal. A total number of ten independent variables and four dependent variables were analyzed in the study (Edleson, Mbilinyi, Beeman, & Hagemeister, 2003).

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